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Did you know?

Did you know diabetes is the 6th most common deadliest disease globally, according to the World Health Organization? Did you know that diabetes has an impact not only on your physical and internal health but also on your mental health? Did you know that in the last 20 years, those diagnosed with diabetes in America have more than doubled? Well, suppose you didn't know these facts. In that case, I hope you pay attention to this blog to become informed about the diabetes diagnosis and learn lifestyle choices that can help you reduce your risk of getting diabetes or help a friend or family member with information about lifestyle changes to improve their ways of living with diabetes.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a long-lasting and chronic health condition that affects how the body processes sugar and turns food into energy. Diabetes is diagnosed when your body does not make enough insulin or does not use insulin in your body as it should. The pancreas produces insulin. Insulin is used in the body to break down sugar from the foods a person consumes. When sugar remains in the body for too long, a person is diagnosed with diabetes.

How does diabetes impact the body?

The body is a whole working system that consists of the parts/organs, brain/mind, and spirit. When a part of the body is impacted from not operating to its optimal capacity, the whole system begins to break down. For example, diabetes impacts the body physically by affecting a person's vision, energy levels, and the functioning of other organs. Thus, leading to other health diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, and kidney failure. In addition, diabetes impacts a person's mental health by causing depression and anxiety due to a lack of regulation of insulin in the body. Insulin is the body's primary energy source and one of the body's sources that helps regulate a person's mood. Mental Health America reports the following about diabetes and mental health:

  • "People living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes are at increased risk for depression, anxiety, and eating disorders.

  • Rates of depression across the lifespan are two times greater for people with diabetes than for the general population.

  • People with type 1 diabetes are twice as likely to live with disordered eating.

  • In women with type 1 diabetes, bulimia is the most common eating disorder. In contrast, women with type 2 diabetes are more likely to deal with binge eating."

Many people impacted by diabetes need hope and courage to push past their diagnosis and experience a more positive outlook on their new normal. Many of these people turn to spirituality in hopes of gaining clarity and encouragement for better days.

What can you do to improve your health or reduce your risk of being diagnosed with diabetes?

If you want to reduce your chances of being diagnosed with diabetes or improve your health if you are diagnosed with diabetes, I encourage you to do the following:

  • Attend regular doctor visits to have your CBC measured regularly and to ensure you are in optimal health.

  • Exercise or have movement for a minimum of 30 minutes every day.

  • Incorporate more fruits and vegetables in your daily food consumption intake.

  • Reduce your sugar and processed food intake.

  • Reduce your stress, take care of your mental health, and see a counselor.

I hope that this blog helped to provide you more insight into the diabetes disease and that you learned healthy ways to cope with diabetes or reduce your risk of being diagnosed with diabetes.

Authored: Brittney Collins-Jefferson, LCSW, LCADCI


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We are honored that you trusted the Restorative Health and Life organization and team when it comes to you or your family member's mental health!

We know there are numerous mental health providers, healers, and life coaches; this is why we value every single one of our clients. We sincerely appreciate you for allowing us on this journey with you!

Our team hopes that you have a transformational experience. In your partnership with our team, we strive to provide an immersive experience of renewing your mind, restoring your hope, and transforming your lifestyle choices. We hope that you live and lead healthier lives!

As the CEO of Restorative, I strive to choose the best office staff and clinicians for our team to serve our community and have made a standard of delivering the best quality services. When you come across family, friends, or strangers who want a change in their lives, we hope to be the first organization you have in mind to help them on their journey.

Thank you again for partnering with us!

Happy Thanksgiving and best of success,

Brittney Collins-Jefferson, LCSW, LCADCI and the Restorative Health & Life Team

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At Restorative Health and Life, our best feature is our team of highly professional and knowledgeable individuals, who, through their hard work, passion, dedication, and wisdom, continuously drive to provide our clients with the best service and treatment available in our community. We strive to be pillars globally, in the way that we deliver mental health and provide education about the foundation and intervention forms of holistic health.

As an independent, privately-owned, family holistic health company, our culture is far-removed from any short-term logic and is very much about helping people to heal from their hurt, renew their minds and transform their thinking. WE PUT PEOPLE FIRST! We also focus on building solid relationships in our community by being progressive leaders in community education and service and by working with national and global leaders from a variety of healthcare sectors. Our efforts have been made possible because of our relentless commitment to work closely in understanding not only the key strategic goals and treatment needs of our clients but also that subtle match between the talent of our office staff, to Master level students, Clinical Interns and Licensed Professionals.

On behalf of the Restorative Health and Life team, we are grateful to have the opportunity to serve you and your family, to serve our community and to be pillars in the way holistic healthcare with a twist on mental health is delivered. We look forward to continuing serving you and supporting your journey to healing. I’d like to end in part by imparting on you, Restorative’s mission and how we will continue delivering service in excellence.

Restorative Health and Life’s mission is to empower individuals to restore their minds, bodies, and soul. We are committed to taking a holistic approach towards treatment. Our staff focuses on the entire health of a person; mental, physical, and spiritual. Our holistic approach helps our clients make lifestyle decisions that creates positive lifestyle health as they become “healed, wholly; the Restorative Way”.

Brittney Collins-Jefferson, LCSW, LCADCI

Chief Executive Officer

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